Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Public Speaking: Tips AND Hints

Public Speaking:
  • the art of effective oral communication with an audience

  • the act or process of making speeches in public

Tips and Hints For Speaking Publicly:

  1. Knowledge: One must know the topic they are speaking on. Most speeches are planned out and set up according to expectations and the type of information the speaker is trying to convey.
  2. Practice:  "Practice makes Perfect." The age old saying applies here. Timing is a good idea when practicing. While practicing, the speaker becomes comfortable with the topic and the flow of information.
  3. Audience Engagement: It is necessary to keep the audience entertained while giving a speech. if your speech is boring, or you lack knowledge, the audience will not be attentive. In order to keep the audience's attention, LOSE THE PODIUM; walk around, use hand gestures, and be energetic in your speaking. Make Eye Contact.
  4. Self-Confidence: In order to be a sufficient public speaker, self confidence is key. Do not psyche yourself out. People will rarely be able to notice your nerves. There is nothing to be nervous about, as long as you put in enough work; practice and planning. You will succeed, if you believe that you will. Also, people want you to succeed.

"Better Public Speaking." N.p., 201. Web. 3 Sept. 2014.
"Public Speaking." Merriam-Webster, Web. 3 Sept. 2014. < speaking>.
"10 Tips for Public Speaking." Toastmasters International. 2014. Web. 3 Sept. 2014.

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